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The Relevance of Team and Group Project Work in Social Upbringing of Schoolchildren


Team building and group project forms of social upbringing of schoolchildren have great pedagogical potential. The article shows the possibilities of group- and team- organized social upbringing of growing-ups according to a new standard of general education and necessary requirements for the teaching stuff. General advantages and disadvantages of these forms of organization in achieving the effective results in school upbringing were analyzed by the author. Alongside with the main restrictions it is observed that in a present linear organization of the education system the team work requires high concentration of focused specialists in teaching. This becomes problematic in general education because of the rapid ageing of the experienced teaching stuff and a little amount of young specialists that choose to stay in a profession. There is also a need for the attraction additional sources to just-in-time provide team members with the necessities for the productive work. This causes more intense and stressful rhythm of work for school methodological services and material supply services. One of the advantages is to turn institutes of education into socially active school and self-learning organization, increasing public and state components in a system of management, stimulating the role of parents and local community in solving socio-pedagogical problems within the district, accumulation the social capital in the form of constructive social relations by teenagers and upper-class pupils, building essential moral and professional qualities of the growing-ups, etc. A reasonable conclusion that has been made is that the advantages revealed have a very important meaning. They largely outweigh the potential administrative and pedagogical risk. Therefore, team and group project forms of work are relevant and they should be widely introduced into social education practice of school upbringing.

About the Author

O. Vitvar
Norilsk branch of the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Educators
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Vitvar O. The Relevance of Team and Group Project Work in Social Upbringing of Schoolchildren. Oriental Studies. 2014;7(4):196-202. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2619-0990 (Print)
ISSN 2619-1008 (Online)